Place at current selection - checking this HyperSnap-DX will insert the new or editing stamp at the location of the current selection on the current document in HyperSnap-DX's window.

 Extend picture at top (add as a header) - the stamp gets "glued" onto the top of the current image as a header, as if you'd extended the image's background at its top edge and then applied the stamp there.

Extend picture at bottom (add as footer) - the stamp gets "glued" onto the bottom of the current image as a footer, as if you'd extended the image's background at its bottom edge, and then applied the stamp there.

 Place on the picture - inserts the stamp directly on the image, overwriting the image's contents with the stamp's contents. When you check this, some other functions relating to the Offset of the image, are enabled.

 Offset (Horizontal and Vertical) - specify here the offset you'd like to use when applying this stamp when you are placing the stamp on the picture directly. If you don't specify offset, the stamp is applied to the upper left hand corner of the image. If you apply values here, the stamp is "shifted" by the values you specify here. These two values are modified by the selectors below the Offset boxes, which allow you to choose from which locus of the image you wish the offset to be applied.

 From picture (offset application starting point) - these allow you to specify the "starting point" of the offset you wish to have applied. You can have the stamp shifted from the locations listed here (Top-left, Top Center, and so forth) by the values listed in the Offset entry boxes, above. The combination of these "points of origin" boxes and the offset values allow powerful control over placement of your stamps.

 Blend (Transparent to Opaque) - use this slider to control how much your stamp blends in with the base image. It can be set to be Opaque, or have no blending, to Transparent, which is 100% blending with the base image.

 Auto-add this stamp to all captured images - tells the program to insert this stamp automatically on all images you capture with HyperSnap-DX. Great for the application of copyright text to game screen captures, or for other "production" uses where you'd like text or other data to be applied without any other action by you. This can save a lot of work when you've got to create a bundle of captures for public release or other purposes, and you want to declare ownership, authorship, and so forth.

All of the Stamp tabs show the controls at the bottom that allow you to define the Stamp Name, Save stamp, Insert on picture, (which applies it to the open picture, if possible), Insert and save, which combines both functions, and a Preview button which allows you to get a look at your stamp's current configuration.

Click OK to either save your edited stamp, or create your new stamp, and close the Edit stamp dialog. Remember that you must apply a name to the stamp if it's a new one, prior to saving.

To print this topic, right-click this window and select Print.